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DNSGULF User Agreement

Update time: 2017-11-16 The editor: DNSGULF Click: 231

For the purposes of the following terms, "User" refers to the individual or entity applying for registration as a member of DNSGULF by DNSGULF PTE. LTD (" DNSGULF ").
User agrees that this online registration term is as binding as a written term signed and sealed by user personally.
The User further agrees that by entering the DNSGULF Membership Registration process, the User agrees to all the contents of the Registration Terms and will not become a full user of DNSGULF until the User fully agrees to all the Terms of service and completes the registration process. These terms of registration shall have legal effect between the user and Hong Kong Domain Name Management Limited from the date of successful registration of the user.
Article 1 Introduction to DNSGULF Services
DNSGULF provides its members with Internet technology services and web services, including domain name registration and web hosting services. Please refer to for details of the related services provided by DNSGULF.
Article 2 Identity guarantee
2-1 User undertakes and warrants that it is a natural person, legal person, entity or organization with full capacity for civil conduct and full capacity for civil rights. The user hereby warrants that the user information filled in is true, accurate, complete and timely, without any misleading or false statement, and that DNSGULF can contact the user through the contact information filled in by the user.
2-2 The user shall provide the relevant identification and other information in a timely manner as required by DNSGULF for the relevant services, otherwise DNSGULF has the right to refuse to provide the relevant services to the member or user.
2-3 User undertakes to update its user information in a timely manner to maintain the validity of such information.
2-4 If the data or information package provided by the user contains incorrect and untrue information, DNSGULF reserves the right to cancel the user's membership and terminate the service for the user at any time.
2-5 Users who register on behalf of other natural persons or entities as agents must provide DNSGULF with the detailed information and information of agents and principals and written authorization documents. If they fail to provide DNSGULF with the above information and information, DNSGULF will treat the registrators as members.
Third email notification
User fully understands that DNSGULF will maintain contact and communication with the Registered Member by email and hereby consents to the relevant commercial and non-commercial contact information, including membership information and DNSGULF goods and services information, to be sent to user by email.
Article 4 Confirmation of membership
4-1 After successful registration, the user will get a user name and password, by which the user can enjoy the goods and services provided by DNSGULF to its member users.
4-2 The User will be fully responsible for username and password security and the User will be fully responsible for all activities and events performed under his or her username. Users have the right to change their passwords in accordance with DNSGULF's procedures.
4-3 Without the written consent of DNSGULF, the user name and password shall not be transferred or authorized to be used by others, otherwise the user shall bear all consequences arising therefrom.
4-4 if users find any illegal use of user accounts or security vulnerabilities, please inform DNSGULF immediately.
Article 5 Modification of service Terms and service system
DNSGULF reserves the right to amend the Terms of Service if necessary, and any change to DNSGULF's Terms of Service will be prompted on the important page. Users can take the initiative to cancel the network service if they do not agree with the modified content. If users continue to use DNSGULF network services, they will be deemed to have accepted the changes to the Terms of Service. DNSGULF reserves the right to modify its service system and price at any time without notifying the user. If the user has reached an agreement with DNSGULF on the specific service before DNSGULF changes its service and price system and has paid the fee as agreed, DNSGULF will execute the agreement until the expiration of the paid service period.
Article 6 Rights and obligations of users
6-1 Users have the right to have their own user name and password in DNSGULF and have the right to use their user name and password to log in to the members area of DNSGULF website at any time.
6-2 Users have the right to enjoy the Internet technology and information services provided by DNSGULF, and have the right to receive the technical support, consultation and other services provided by DNSGULF when accepting the services provided by DNSGULF. The service content is detailed in the product introduction of DNSGULF.
6-3 The User warrants that it will not damage or disrupt the DNSGULF website or the websites of DNSGULF's other customers by technical or other means.
6-4 User shall respect the intellectual property rights and other legal rights of DNSGULF and other third parties, and guarantee to protect DNSGULF and its shareholders, employees and partners from any impact or loss caused by such events. DNSGULF reserves the right to terminate the services provided to the User without refund of any money if the user violates DNSGULF's intellectual property rights.
6-5 The user shall be responsible for all consequences caused by the incorrect contact information provided by the user to DNSGULF and the unstable security and stability of the email box used by the user to receive DNSGULF emails, including but not limited to the consequences and losses caused by the user's failure to receive relevant notifications from DNSGULF in time.
6-6 Users guarantee that they will comply with national and local laws and regulations, industry practices and social and public morality when using DNSGULF services, and will not use the services provided by DNSGULF to store, publish and disseminate the following information and contents: any content (information) that violates national laws, regulations and policies; Political propaganda and/or news information in violation of state regulations; Information concerning State secrets and/or security; Feudal superstitions and/or obscene, pornographic, indecent information or information that incites crime; Lottery, gambling games; Information that violates the state's ethnic and religious policies; Information that interferes with the safe operation of the Internet; Information that infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of others and/or other information or content that is harmful to social order, social security and public morals. The user also undertakes not to provide any convenience for others to publish the above information content which is not in conformity with national regulations and/or the terms of Service, including but not limited to setting URL and BANNER link. The User acknowledges that DNSGULF has the right to terminate the service to the User and not refund any money if the user violates the above. The User shall indemnify DNSGULF for any loss caused by the user's above behavior.
Article 7 rights and obligations of DNSGULF
7-1 DNSGULF shall provide qualified network technology and information services to users according to the services selected by users and the payment conditions.
7-2 DNSGULF undertakes to take external confidentiality measures for user information, not to disclose user information to third parties, and not to authorize third parties to use user information unless:
7-2-1 In accordance with the terms of this Agreement or other service agreements, contracts, online terms and other provisions between The User and DNSGULF;
7-2-2 Shall be provided in accordance with laws and regulations;
7-2-3 Administrative, judicial and other competent departments require DNSGULF to provide;
7-2-4 User agrees to be provided by DNSGULF to third parties;
7-2-5 DNSGULF to resolve the reported events and file a lawsuit;
7-2-6 which must be submitted by DNSGULF to take reasonable action necessary to prevent the occurrence of serious violations or suspected criminal acts;
7-2-7 DNSGULF provides products, services and information to third parties for the purpose of providing users, including the situation that DNSGULF provides products, services and information to Users through the technology and services of third parties.
7-3 DNSGULF has the right to use user information.
7-4 DNSGULF has the right to review the user and decide whether to accept the user as a member of DNSGULF or whether to conduct a certain transaction with the user.
7-5 DNSGULF reserves the right to terminate the services and the user's account in the event that the User violates the provisions of national and local laws and regulations or violates these Online Registration terms, and in no event shall DNSGULF be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages.
Article 8 Termination of services
8-1 the user has the right to terminate his/her membership or one or more of the services he/she has applied for in DNSGULF at any time, but the payment already paid cannot be refunded.
8-2 DNSGULF reserves the right to cancel one or more of the Services provided to The User as the case may be, but shall refund the remainder of the payment paid by the User for the services, without any liability whatsoever.
8-3 After applying for membership of DNSGULF, the user shall abide by the anti-spam resolution made by DNSGULF from time to time. The user undertakes not to use DNSGULF's services for any activities related to spam, including but not limited to sending spam through DNSGULF's server; Spam messages sent by users contain information about DNSGULF servers or IP addresses; User-owned websites contain contents supporting spam services, such as mailing lists, email address search software and mass mailing software; Spam messages sent by users contain information about their domain names registered with DNSGULF and other content or information that may cause domestic and international anti-spam organizations to believe that DNSGULF or DNSGULF users are involved in spam incidents. The user understands that once the spam incident occurs, it will cause irreparable great loss to DNSGULF and all its users. Therefore, DNSGULF will immediately stop providing any services to the user if it finds that the user is involved in the spam. DNSGULF reserves the right to cancel the user's DNSGULF membership in the event of a spam incident and to claim damages from DNSGULF due to the user's involvement in the spam.
Article 9 Dispute resolution and application of law
9-1 All disputes arising from the Terms of Service shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, both parties agree to submit the case to Xiamen Arbitration Commission for arbitration.
9-2 The validity, interpretation, performance and dispute resolution of the Registration Terms shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and the norms of the computer and Internet industry.
Article 10 Force Majeure
10-1 If the performance of this Article is impossible, unnecessary or meaningless due to force majeure or other accidents, the party suffering from such force majeure or accidents shall not be liable.
10-2 Force majeure and accidents refer to unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events that have a major impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as flood, earthquake, plague epidemic and storm, and social events such as war, unrest and government acts.
10-3 Users agree that in view of the particularity of the Internet, hacker attack, Internet connectivity interruption or system failure are force majeure, and losses caused to users or third parties thus shall not be borne by DNSGULF.
Article 11 Supplementary Provisions
11-1 If the relevant provisions of this Registration Term are deemed invalid by the authority, the validity of other terms shall not be affected, nor shall the validity of the interpretation of this Service Term, liability for breach of contract and relevant provisions on dispute resolution be affected.
11-2 If either party changes the notice, mailing address or other contact information, it shall promptly notify the other party of the changed address and contact information from the date of change, failing which, the changing party shall be liable for all consequences arising therefrom. User agrees that notices from DNSGULF will be deemed to have been delivered to User as long as they are posted on the relevant DNSGULF website.
11-3 As a result of DNSGULF's listing, acquisition, merger with a third party, name change, etc., User agrees that DNSGULF may transfer its rights and/or obligations to the appropriate recipient of DNSGULF's rights and/or obligations.
The user hereby reiterates that he/she has fully read and understood the above terms and conditions of membership and that he/she voluntarily and formally enters the HKDNM online registration process to be bound by the above terms and conditions.


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